AP: well remember how i bought this iPod with masjid money AP: i can't exactly put music on it AP: i felt too guilty Me: come onnnnnn AP: come on guy, we can't just become totally shameless AP: people put money in the lillah box thinking it's gonna allow the masjid to pay for water so musallis can do wudhu AP: not so arif can listen to tiesto while on the 32D AP: not only am i listening to music, it's on a bus that reminds me of a bra


Anonymous said…
wow, u guys got RIS, the retreat, great connectiosn to great scholars, and you guys can use masjid money to get iPods, i think im moving back to canada!
Anonymous said…
Ya'll need some spankin! As if buying the ipod wasn't Haraam enough, you had to do it with Masjid Chanda. AstaghfirUllah NaaoozoBillah. La Hol Wala Kwowatah Illah Billah.
P.S. Next time count me in.
TR-909 said…
arif is the culprit here. i told him to not commit acts of such potential apostacy.

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