I find that a lot of things that I believe in or hold views about make sense only to myself and only in my own head. Try'n explain them to others and things get awkward real quick. What one usually gets is something that sounds awfully sweeping and generalized. Either it'll take ages to explain adequately or it's pretty cryptic to try and explain anyway. But who really is in the wrong here? Is it the exception that one holds a view that cannnot be explained or do most views have that unexplainable quality to them?

One of the better IMHO's i've seen: Scroll down a bit to read truth
The article is nice: The pictures, infinitely better.
I really don't know what to make of this: Bosnian indeed
My brother swears Hatami(the Shia guy) is shaking Bin Laden's hand: I say, check out the guy in the red tie. wow.
More crap my brother sends me: you look hot guys
I call them, the stfu qudsia police: 1, 2, 3
more stfu qudsia police action: this time, in video!
If it isn't the most pathetic man ever. Can you even get a cooler endorsement? : Hell, even George Costanza digs AP & Goldi's way of approval
Quite possible on the funniest things I may ever see in my lifetime: read every bit


"What did you want to see me about, Mr. Leland?"
"Kramer, I've been reviewing your work. Quite frankly, it stinks."
"Well, I've been having trouble at home and, uh, I'll work harder. Nights, weekends, whatever it takes."
"No, no, I don't think that's going to do it. These reports you handed in, it's almost as if you have no business training at all. I don't know what this is supposed to be."
"Well, I'm just trying to get ahead."
"I'm sorry, there's just no way that we can keep you on."
"I don't even really work here."
"That's what makes this so difficult."
- Kramer and Mr. Leland, in "The Bizarro Jerry"

"I have never been so repulsed by someone mentally and so attracted to them physically at the same time. It's like my brain is facing my penis in a chess game. And I'm letting him win."
"You're not letting him win. He wins 'til you're forty."
"Then what?"
"He still wins, but it's not a blow-out."
- Jerry and George, in "The Nose Job"

Family Guy

[Family is trying to hide from mobsters.]
Peter: Don't worry, I got it all worked out. We'll move to England, huh? Worst they got there is, you know, drive-by... arguments...
[Meanwhile, in England.]
Englishman: I say, Jeremy, isn't that Reginald B. Stifworth, the young upstart chap who's been touting the merits of a united European commonwealth?
Jeremy: Why yes, I daresay it is.
Englishman: Oh, let's get him.
[They drive up.]
Englishman: Oh Reginald... I disagree.
[drives off]

Conversations with AP

MSN status: Goldi (praying)
AP: mudasser ali praying?
AP: *rubs eyes*
AP: no still there, *rubs eyes harder*
AP: ok there has to be a logical explanation behind this

AP: we have to get a device
AP: which can record the phone call
Me: ok were not FBI agents
AP: no no, its not really that high tech
AP: they sell it at radio shack
AP: and althought buying stuff and returning it after i'm done using them is against my morals and such
AP: the war against faggots must be waged, and it calls for drastic measure
Me: is it haram?
AP: i don't know if its haraam
AP: but i don't think the sahabah's did stuff like that
AP: 'darn it, i need to borrow a camel for the next two days'...'why worry abdullah, that jew merchant has a refund policy'..'subhanallah'


AP said…
That IMHO article taught me so much about the fascinating and predominantly black world of hip hop.
Anonymous said…
hey salaamz golds,

i think 'device' has to be the fobbiest word EVER! Every time i use it in a sentence it usually ends up in cracked out... "did he use his device?"
"was his device working?" yeah i know im a harami...
Anonymous said…
Bin Laden is taller than that.
Naveel said…
that bosnian dude looks like quentin tarantino.
TR-909 said…
you know what gets to me? everytime I lie to the parental unit about where I am, they're cool. everytime i tell the truth, i get reemed out.
TR-909 said…
say more dammit, say more!
Asi said…
that is so true (the parental unit n lies thing).

this track sucks nigga.
TR-909 said…
asi: correction, you suck.
quds said…

the stfu qudsia police is awesome. i am honored. fuck ya, women can kick ass! even with excessive amounts of clothing on.

irani women make policing sexy.
quds said…
...afterthought. isn't it interesting how polar varieties of women are pit against one another to make the same point?

we are such tools. i shake my fist at the patriarchy.
TR-909 said…
I open a bag of popcorn to the patriarchy *undercover brother style when denise richards fights with the black chick*
quds said…
i hope you choke on your popcorn.
TR-909 said…
greetings fooz

qudsia: die
Raja Pakistani said…
Whoa...I was thinking about that same exact Seinfeld quote today.
quds said…
mudasser ali: ladies first.
Aishah said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aishah said…
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TR-909 said…
hey farooq: LET'S GO BLUE JAYS.

qudsia: hey you know that bit about how you open the door and go ladies first and they walk through? One day I wanna do that with one of those 9th floor doors that open towards nothing but the outside.

saima: brb
Anonymous said…
If everything was so easily and logically explainable then there would be no room for debate, if there was no weakness in your argument. And hence, no individualism. Some people are more articulate than others, but I think there are certain thoughts that cannot be expressed in their fullest meanings.

My comment feels lame after those popcorn-death-threats. bye.
Not Zahra. said…
Assalamu alaykum

I can always get away with lying, it's always the truth that they raise an eyebrow at. I see ur listening to my welsh cronies. Check out Dekota, too.

quds said…
mudasser ali: hey you know that bit about that woman called lorena bobbit? one day i wanna..
TR-909 said…
ha! cute but impossible. women live for the member. have you never read freud?
AP said…
Damn it, I left a comment here two days ago. It was such a great comment, it tied in two of our favourite things: Denise Richards and an S55 AMG.
AP said…
The comment obviously didn't show up.
TR-909 said…
i say, when things dissapear, make them up!
Aishah said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
quds said…
mudasser ali: members cannot be replaced, but men sure can :)

and yes, i have indeed read enough by that sexist bastard. he's full of shit :)
TR-909 said…
lam: hi ho.

q: i disagree. being sexist is not a necessary condition for being full of shit.
quds said…
mudasser ali: i agree. his being a sexist merely accentuates his full of shitness.
quds said…
and boy, you just did NOT call lamya a HO!!
quds said…
'live long' by kings of convenience. sweet.
TR-909 said…
oh god no.

i meant like, hi ho, hi ho, its off to work we go. that sort of thing.
TR-909 said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
you can set your status to "praying"?

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