This has been the longest year of my life primarily because more than ever, I consiously kept repeating to myself that I was 21 and there were just so many years left till I look like THAT guy. (In case you're wondering, THAT guy is anyone who I see that reminds me of either grim death or what my uncles look like)

A crisis of sorts befell me earlier this year when I came in contact with some bright kids that had read so much more at their age than I had at my present age. I suppose this is where all the thoughts of a wasted youth began poking at Mudasser Ali's psyche. I really wish i could stay 21 all my life. It is the perfect age. You've spent a year coming to terms with the fact that you're not a teenage tomfool anymore (If you need evidence, turn on the news and see if they call a 21 year old criminal anything else but a '21 year old man') and Manhood starts becoming apparent. That and the fact that you think you've got everything figured out. Oh, and let's not forget the part about living with your parents (read: no real responsibilites). It's like you're unknowingly hit with this epiphany where you realize how things will and may turn out yet you lounge around luxuriously knowing you don't have to worry about them for atleast a couple of years.

Speaking of things turning out, Convos with AP will have to be delayed. Me and my brother decided to fry the hard drive and hence, after the frying, were left with a paperweight that once used to hold all of my stuff. I'm underplaying just how bad this is. When I first realized that it was all gone, I ran around my basement for 5 minutes screaming like a little girl. 90 Gigabytes of data gone poof hurts any way you look at it.



Goldi says: brotrhers game night
Goldi says: is thusday
Goldi says: 4 - 7
realish says: lol
realish says: games?
realish says: pin the beard on the little mullanah?


"You can do better than me. You could throw a dart out the window and hit someone better than me. I'm no good!"
- George, trying to get rid of his current girlfriend, in "The Outing"

"Hey, who do you think is the most unattractive world leader?
"Living or all time?"
"All time."
"Well, if it's all time, then there's no contest. It begins and ends with Brezhnev."
"I dunno. You ever get a good look at DeGaulle?"
"Lyndon Johnson was uglier than DeGaulle."
"I got news for you. Golda Meir could make 'em all run up a tree."
- Elaine, Jerry and George, in "The Outing"

Skin Update:

My skin dries when I use this orange Neutrogena bar. So I started using Oil of Olay classic right after. My close associate informs me there is a men's product that does not contain the oils that Oil of Olay might (which may in turn end up clogging my pores). This Men's product costs 10 dollars. Goddammit is quality skin care really this expensive?

Currently addicted to: Faithless - Miss You Less See You More (The Beginerz Mix)


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