So I walk into the boss's office awaiting to be asked how long a certain thing will take to get done (this is a funny situation. he knows damn well that I never follow through on predicted times and he never really expects me to and yet, he insists that I give him a ballpark figure. perhaps he's mastered the art of deciphering what my archaic time predictions really mean. who knows.)

So anyway. I say a couple of hours (read: the entire day) and as I'm about to exit, a rather interesting dilemna is presented to me (which, by all means is in stark contrast to the usual visits to the boss where I explain why it's taken me 3 days to make two links on one page). He needs to purchase a Christmas present for a sales client and needs ideas. We cycle through the usual 'gifts for a man' but half of my ideas are shot down as anything below $100 is blasphemy. Woah, now here's a change from the usual. Our creative genius is narrowed down to that bottle of exotic Hungarian liquor that was brought in by one of his clients that neither one of us has had the chance to enjoy yet. This is rather snappy as all we have to do is wrap it up and wait for praise (and in my boss's case, increased sales) but wait! There is an intriguing twist to this otherwise mastery of Christmas gift-giving genius!

Apparently the sales guy has links with the Hungarian customer and the big boss man suspects he might have recieved the same gift. This may strip away any sort of lustre there was on the exoticness of the liquor. There is however, another dilemna of much larger proportions. What if the sales guy (assuming that he didn't recieve the same gift from the Hungarian) comments to the European about the fabolousness of Hungarian wine and worse yet, the Hungarian asks what it says on the bottle? Now keep in mind this is all going through my head. So I quickly explain the dilemna and the embarassing (and unclassy) possibility of being labelled a 're-gifter'. This doesn't quite sink in to the boss so I am forced to make reference to the bible of this 're-gifting' phenomenon. The infamous 'Labelmaker re-gift/de-gift' Seinfeld episode that has made me the self-proclaimed guru of all things re-gifting.

So the liquor is out and I am assigned to purchase a classy gift for this businessman of a gentleman this weekend. I suspect cologne as I cannot think of anything classier. Classy. wait. An autographed picture of Arif Patel with a personal invite for a chilling session complete with a personal handshake and complementary pickup in a classy american made automobile!

Class. Pure Class.

What's on my desk right now:

I'm at work. So nothing except an empty writing pad and pen that I don't use. (um, ya, the computer too and stuff)

Memory of the day:

Can there really be something as momentous as a posting from work? surely this must carry some sort of weight.

Seinfeld quote of the day:

"I think he re-gifted and then he de-gifted and now he's using an upstairs invite as a springboard to a Superbowl sex romp!"
-Jerry talking about Tim Watley

What I read today:

Keith Jennings gets the sweetest deal.

Raptors Update:

I don't wanna talk about it. This is why.

Currently addicted to: Armand Van Helden - My My My


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