Upon looking at the poor state of my comments, I realize now that an update is in order.
Speaking of which, let me rant on something. 'Blogging'. You know what I see sometimes? Half-assed posts written by people who either have no semblance of grammar or if they do, just refuse to utilize it like it should be by doing this:
Hey foks!
(Incorrect spelling. Also, and in all probability, no one visits this piece of crap blog and his/her friends leave comments in symphaty)
been busy havent blogged in a while
(that's nice. since when did blogging become doing the treadmill? you make it seem like you're doing US a favour by wasting 3 minutes of your precious time)
[useless banter about stuff no one (including even her/he) cares about]
(i'm more entertained staring at my own feces *makruh, i know*)
[more useless banter but this time, with more smilies and even more horrid sentence structure]
(you're a winner lady/guy)
ok tc im out
(you sure are)
upon sifting through one of my siblings' halloween pilowcases, the following world representatives of sugar products were found:
The representative for the Indian Hindus
The representative for the Arab Speakers
The representative for the Gujrati Teens
Speaking of which, let me rant on something. 'Blogging'. You know what I see sometimes? Half-assed posts written by people who either have no semblance of grammar or if they do, just refuse to utilize it like it should be by doing this:
Hey foks!
(Incorrect spelling. Also, and in all probability, no one visits this piece of crap blog and his/her friends leave comments in symphaty)
been busy havent blogged in a while
(that's nice. since when did blogging become doing the treadmill? you make it seem like you're doing US a favour by wasting 3 minutes of your precious time)
[useless banter about stuff no one (including even her/he) cares about]
(i'm more entertained staring at my own feces *makruh, i know*)
[more useless banter but this time, with more smilies and even more horrid sentence structure]
(you're a winner lady/guy)
ok tc im out
(you sure are)
upon sifting through one of my siblings' halloween pilowcases, the following world representatives of sugar products were found:
The representative for the Indian Hindus
The representative for the Arab Speakers
The representative for the Gujrati Teens