Having just read through every single post this blog has seen I realize that this blog is no longer what Mudasser Ali initially set out to make. This was a recluse from the harrowing jockness of this world, an exchange of intellectualism between thoughtful minds. Tonight I witnessed the gradual demise of this haven of intelligence - in fast forward.
And I'm ashamed to say that I'm to blame for this. Before the 'Convo's with AP' showed up, there were passionate thought-provoking posts which stirred the philosopher in all of us. Now all we have are 'haha-read-this-nigger-joke' emotions when reading the posts. We've had jock take over smart for the sake of more hits. The transition of this blog from smart to senseless jock humour thoroughly embodies the anti-thesis of what makes me Arif Patel. Adopting ways of ignorance for the sake of short term commercialistic gains is THE anti-thesis of what I thought made me, me.
So I guess you could say that after all is said and done, it's ME who's the cucumber thief.
From now on I propose that we have a return to the old ways, we bring back Hafsa (who for the record is the only person who's had a post devoted to just his/her quote, even though it wasn't all that brilliant or original), the articulate 16-year old Faiza that I drove away, and anyone else smart. Oh and of course, the greatest mind of them all: Mudasser Ali.
I really want to hear what everyone has to say, so comment away.
And this still isn't THE AP post that's coming up and promises to very intelligent. So intelligent in fact that if the past teaches us anything, we should have exactly 2 comments, the first from Sabaah saying, 'wtf?' and another from Qudsia demanding me to elaborate. (And I'm not trying to say in anyway that Sabaah is dumb, she's a very smart girl, she nearly got a full scholarship and she tells me she's going to become a lawyer)
P.S. Yes, I am now in control of this blog. And yes, I CAN make a post entitled 'Grannies Gone Wild'- WITH PICTURES.
Having just read through every single post this blog has seen I realize that this blog is no longer what Mudasser Ali initially set out to make. This was a recluse from the harrowing jockness of this world, an exchange of intellectualism between thoughtful minds. Tonight I witnessed the gradual demise of this haven of intelligence - in fast forward.
And I'm ashamed to say that I'm to blame for this. Before the 'Convo's with AP' showed up, there were passionate thought-provoking posts which stirred the philosopher in all of us. Now all we have are 'haha-read-this-nigger-joke' emotions when reading the posts. We've had jock take over smart for the sake of more hits. The transition of this blog from smart to senseless jock humour thoroughly embodies the anti-thesis of what makes me Arif Patel. Adopting ways of ignorance for the sake of short term commercialistic gains is THE anti-thesis of what I thought made me, me.
So I guess you could say that after all is said and done, it's ME who's the cucumber thief.
From now on I propose that we have a return to the old ways, we bring back Hafsa (who for the record is the only person who's had a post devoted to just his/her quote, even though it wasn't all that brilliant or original), the articulate 16-year old Faiza that I drove away, and anyone else smart. Oh and of course, the greatest mind of them all: Mudasser Ali.
I really want to hear what everyone has to say, so comment away.
And this still isn't THE AP post that's coming up and promises to very intelligent. So intelligent in fact that if the past teaches us anything, we should have exactly 2 comments, the first from Sabaah saying, 'wtf?' and another from Qudsia demanding me to elaborate. (And I'm not trying to say in anyway that Sabaah is dumb, she's a very smart girl, she nearly got a full scholarship and she tells me she's going to become a lawyer)
P.S. Yes, I am now in control of this blog. And yes, I CAN make a post entitled 'Grannies Gone Wild'- WITH PICTURES.