One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the innocence of some things.

Like say, the innocence of some urdu/desi songs. There's no tales of cheating, lies or graphic tales of grinding in the club. It's just, I love you, you love me, i miss you, you miss me. You cry, I cry, flowers, birds, trees, stars.

Then, there's the innocence of little kids. Like today, I was babysitting little janaya. This girl never cries around me. Since we ran out of things to do in the house, we went outside. On our way out, she kind of fell back on her bum. Shes one. Walking is still somewhat of a chore for her. So anyway, as she falls back, I quickly shoot her a smile so she knows its a funny and not a 'crying' sort of thing that just happened to her. She shoots the smile back and claps her hands.

So were sitting outside on the porch and shes sitting beside me. I start involuntary moving my feet and i notice that shes doing the same. This time, shes smiling again knowing full why. She's a copy cat.

oh, and the following comment when talking to my 9 year old cousin maryam:

Me: Maryam, why is she your best friend?
Maryam: Becaue she's the best girl at school and shes my friend


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