The next time somebody states that the Shariah is sexist (and it will happen), you look them straight in the eye and go: "You're damn right it is"

For everytime someone complains that the females in the family are getting only half of what their male counterparts are getting, you should remind them that the obligation and mental stress of providing for you and the kids was squarely on the 'man's' shoulder. Let me re-iterate. 'Obligation'. Your daddy doesn't work everyday because he loves his dead-end job; he does it because when he got his nikah written up, he was informed that he had to provide for his family. It's a reciprocal homey.

Speaking of unfair, everyone always seems to forget that the ladies get the same reward that I get for busting my hump down to the masjid in inches of snow that she gets while comfortably making wudu, praying in her cozy 'janamaz' and jumping back in bed in a span of 6 minutes. Now THAT is sexism.

This 'fashion morality' that seems to be flooding our community is more dangerous in consequence than the Salafi Mania that's oh so prominent in our masajid. Shariah is our means to our Lord and it has been crystalized (in a dynamic sort of way) so that it stays relevant for all of eternity. It's a foolhardy approach to start belittling something as brilliant as our way of life (ya, you heard me) in favour of what is essentially the contemporary trend in ethics. The clowns that call for this short-sighted reformist ijtihad appear to have a much greater influence in defining their social and moral outlook (and even dumber, their ratinonale) by this same 'fashion morality'

In case you were wondering, yes, that is wrong.

(In case any of you are planning to disagree with me, don't bother. I've assigned Arif Patel to answer and resolve your qualms. Meaning: Arif is a fascist agent hell bent on nit-picking your grammar. You'll never get your answer until you word your query immaculatey. And if you happen to achieve that feat, I will veto his powers and reject your question on the basis of 'i dont care'.)


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