I promised I wouldn't post until I got a job. I got money for doing some graphics work today so i'm going to loophole my way out of this self-imposed hibernation. (Technically it's a job. Who Cares)
I found myself heading to the T.O yet again for yet another islamically flavoured Saturday, yet again on the much beloved GO. It's an oddly upscale experience. The station in Downtown Hamilton is unusually clean, the people who frequent it aren't hobos (probably torontonians looking to escape), the washrooms offer both paper cloth and heat-blow dry machine, and it costs 8.45 CAD. Upscale enough for the son of a family who claims to be poor. In all honesty though, the best part about the whole experience is the bus itself. Air-Conditioned, tinted, littered with blue lights (yes, blue) under and above the seats and patrons who read thick, Robert Ludlum-ish books. The ride is exquisite. Nothing but 45 minutes of swift journey on the toll charging 407 cruiseway straight to Union in downtown Toronto.
To me, Downtown Toronto is a living definition of civilization. People walk with confidence, the municipal workers are well placed, there is an abundance of ease and convenience, there's a lady holding up a sign saying "Fahrenheit 9/11 - The Truth" in the subway, and I walk in a thobe and topi unscathed.
Perhaps my father is right when he says I visit 'toraantO' too much. It's a fact that I finished After Jihad almost entirely while riding the subways and the TTC. I think his grievances have to do more with the fact that I'm not at home doing 'home' things - which by the way is something I'm regulary accused of (charges I regulary deny too, might I add)
To me, it all comes down to the fact that I have to do what I have to do. I've clearly defined my social circle of acquaintances and established such an amount of contacts that later on when I want to get certain things done, I can have them done with relative solidarity (by people from whom it's important to be in solidarity with of course).
That and Saturday night ijtimah at Madinah Masjid of course.
Currently addicted to: Econoline Crush - What It's Like, Barenaked Ladies - Call And Answer, Raghav - It Can't Be Right
Edit: I just noticed the subconcious effect the subway has had on my creative psyche. Look at my header graphic and see what's under the word 'Goldi'. *creepy*
Edit #2: Ok, this is really weird. Thank you subconcious senses. Look at what it says in light gray behind the subway. *twilight zone levels*
I found myself heading to the T.O yet again for yet another islamically flavoured Saturday, yet again on the much beloved GO. It's an oddly upscale experience. The station in Downtown Hamilton is unusually clean, the people who frequent it aren't hobos (probably torontonians looking to escape), the washrooms offer both paper cloth and heat-blow dry machine, and it costs 8.45 CAD. Upscale enough for the son of a family who claims to be poor. In all honesty though, the best part about the whole experience is the bus itself. Air-Conditioned, tinted, littered with blue lights (yes, blue) under and above the seats and patrons who read thick, Robert Ludlum-ish books. The ride is exquisite. Nothing but 45 minutes of swift journey on the toll charging 407 cruiseway straight to Union in downtown Toronto.
To me, Downtown Toronto is a living definition of civilization. People walk with confidence, the municipal workers are well placed, there is an abundance of ease and convenience, there's a lady holding up a sign saying "Fahrenheit 9/11 - The Truth" in the subway, and I walk in a thobe and topi unscathed.
Perhaps my father is right when he says I visit 'toraantO' too much. It's a fact that I finished After Jihad almost entirely while riding the subways and the TTC. I think his grievances have to do more with the fact that I'm not at home doing 'home' things - which by the way is something I'm regulary accused of (charges I regulary deny too, might I add)
To me, it all comes down to the fact that I have to do what I have to do. I've clearly defined my social circle of acquaintances and established such an amount of contacts that later on when I want to get certain things done, I can have them done with relative solidarity (by people from whom it's important to be in solidarity with of course).
That and Saturday night ijtimah at Madinah Masjid of course.
Currently addicted to: Econoline Crush - What It's Like, Barenaked Ladies - Call And Answer, Raghav - It Can't Be Right
Edit: I just noticed the subconcious effect the subway has had on my creative psyche. Look at my header graphic and see what's under the word 'Goldi'. *creepy*
Edit #2: Ok, this is really weird. Thank you subconcious senses. Look at what it says in light gray behind the subway. *twilight zone levels*