Things you always wanted to know about Mudasser but were afraid to ask (or imagine):

- I live in an unfinished basement. Its cool in the summer and cold in the winter.
- I'm not a fan of clothing. Especially pants.
- I have 2835 unique MP3 tracks on my Winamp list.
- I love Okra.
- I have not slept earlier than 3 o'clock for over a year.
- I buy books just so I can put them up on my shelf.
- I have more pairs of shoes than any of you reading this.
- I have more bottles of cologne than any of you reading this.
- I own the To Kill a Mockingbird DVD.
- I have seen every single movie that stars Kevin Spacey.
- I currently weigh 217 lbs and measure 6'3''
- I am currently listening to the 2step Remix of Usher - You Got It Bad
- My room is dirtier than any one of you reading this.
- Arif Patel is the man.
- I have had a friend crash my parents car.
- I have had 2 people sue my dad.
- I love IRN-BRU.

Arif Patel conversation of the week:

AP: so there's this buring question i have
AP: i been tryin to sleep, but i just can't, tossed and turned in my bed
Me: its probably herpes
AP: no, its a question in my mind, not an itch in my crotch

Arif Patel quote of the week:

"Yorkdale Mall, Wherein Allah has commanded his finer creations to frolic"


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